Advanced placement is a program track that is sponsored by College Board that offers you the unique opportunity to get college credits accumulated while still in high school. These AP classes are high level college material laden classes, which students take and must earn a proficiency level in an AP exam, which will then earn a student college credit.

Who runs these AP classes, and the required curriculum? These classes are run by College Board, which is a non-profit organization located in New York State, who obtain all their funding by these testing score fees. The AP program is a privilege, and is not a current academic requirement for all high school students. Students also have the option to take these AP exams without taking the class if they feel they are proficient, which can earn them credits as well.

These exams are graded on a numerical 1-5 scale, with 5 demonstrating the highest level of proficiency. The scores can range from “extremely well qualified” at a 5, to a “no recommendation,” which is a 1. The exam content itself is comprised of both multiple choice questions as well as essays, and these are graded by computerized scanners and special readers who will assign the grades to the exam. In order to get the college credit for the AP course, you are required to get a 3 or a 4 on the AP exam. Having a good brain balance, and all of your neurotransmitters in tip top shape is crucial for students to keep themselves at peak functioning potential, so they can do well on these AP exams.

While these classes offer you a unique opportunity to get a head start in college classes, the high cost of taking these exams is something that stops many students from participating – but there are opportunities that can offset the cost of these programs. There is State funding that often funds a few of the AP exams offered, and they also offer funding for AP classes for students who demonstrate a genuine financial need. But the last thing a student wants to do is waste money on AP classes if they aren’t taking care of themselves, and so taking an amino acid brain supplement to keep their neurotransmitters working properly is essential when factoring in AP enrollment.

So what are the benefits of taking AP courses? While the tests do cost you money, they are actually a far better value than the cost of a college class currently. The quicker you get the necessary credits for your college degree, the quicker you can graduate, which lowers your tuition cost and relates expenses. Another factor is the impressive nature of these AP classes on a college transcript, which can better your chances of getting into great colleges that you apply to. In college this will translate to selecting your major in a shorter time period, and more electives and free time slots in a hectic college schedule.

For many, these AP classes are greatly challenging, and a whole other tier of work quality and preparation. High school students are generally not accustomed to doing work at this level, but making adjustments and rising to the occasion is the best way to go about it.

It’s important to prep both your body and your mind for AP courses. Getting 8 to 9 hours a night of sleep, and eating healthy will make a big difference. As discussed, amino acid brain supplements like HCF Happy, Calm & Focused may also help you, as they have amino acids in a mixture of vitamins and minerals to support your brain. These amino acids have the ability to greatly increase your levels of focus and attention and that is just what a future college student really needs.

Cramming for a big test or exam has become a staple in the lives of students, especially in post-secondary institutions. When it comes to reviewing formulas, concepts and key word definitions, there may be some students who benefit from this last minute cramming – but a majority do not. Cramming should be used as a last resort only, as it rarely makes a major positive difference in student test outcomes. Those who stay up all night right before a test are likely to be deficient, and this can slow brain responses and thinking, even hurting your test score potential from the moment you walk in the classroom.

Studying each night in increments and not procrastinating is the ideal situation, but for older students with many responsibilities, this is not always easy to do. If you’ve studied in smaller increments over time, you won’t be compelled to cram the night before – a simple review should do you just fine.

Why doesn’t cramming work for everyone? Because learning new material that isn’t reinforced in class or with testing materials shows a lower retention rate, which means you won’t be able to fully absorb all of the information. More importantly, it can throw off your brain balance and the functioning of your neurotransmitters, which in turn, can throw your entire body out of whack. In conjunction with this, there is also tiredness, which comes from when students try to read and comprehend information the night before a test, and this tiredness completely diminishes your retention rate. There is also emotional issues to contend with, which combines together to make a deadly combination of poor testing potential.

If cramming is so bad – then why do people do it? There are many reasons why students cram, but in many cases it’s due to an over committed and demanding schedule, which doesn’t lend itself to chunks of free time to study with. If you’re a student then you’re likely to have a job, family life and extra-curriculars that make it difficult to fit in studying time on a regular basis. Another reason is that many students aren’t regularly motivated, and have issues with procrastination. Other students get so anxious ridden by the idea of taking a test, that they simply avoid it till the last possible second. While this can be hard to avoid, you need to think about the balance of your brain, and how it is impacted when you cram study.

So what if you have no choice but to cram? Here are some tips that you can use to help ensure that you’ll do the best possible job you can, despite the odds stacked against you when it comes to cramming. You need to choose a place in your home that is well-lit and free of distractions, with semi-comfortable seating that serves as a suitable work space. Try to keep your stress levels in check, as this will only make things worse. Focus on major concepts that you know will be on the test, and make those your priority. Highlight any key points in the text, which many books now do for you.

If you try to regularly cram than you need to remain physically and mentally healthy in order to make it work. Trying to sleep a solid eight hours each night and eating healthier options and organic sweeteners is also a good choice.

But probably even the biggest advantage that students are using today is consuming an amino acid brain supplement called HCF Happy, Calm & Focused. This amino acid formulation supports an increase in your focus and attention levels which is the key to acing any test!

There’s such a great quantity of information bombarding our brains that research is showing just how hazardous it is to our brain health. Often we feel more anxious, less in control and less effective in our jobs and our lives when our brain is diminished.

Historically, information used to be hard to come by and highly valued. But now, information is unlimited, food is more abundant, dangerous beliefs are dispelled, we know more about our world, and new technology helps us in our everyday lives.

Information is coming at us faster than we can process it and we don’t even have time to examine or consider it.We know instantaneously what used to take us weeks to discover, if we discovered it at all.Aided by computers, microwave transmissions, televisions, satellites, smart phones and social networks, we can find out in an instant what’s happening half a world away and while not knowing what’s in our own back yard. It’s estimated that one weekday edition of today’s New York times has more information than most people in 17th century England would know in their whole entire lifetimes. And one day’s news from the New York Times is nothing compared to the internet. Almost anything known and questioned can be found there, and the profound affect this availability of information has on our everyday lives is astonishing, and highly stressful.

Much information now is treated like garbage that we need to sort through to get to anything valuable. We have no time for quiet contemplation, and it obstructs our enjoyment of slowly digested information like a good novel or an engaging conversation. We are under so much stress from the everyday overload of life, it’s no wonder we feel stressed and it’s no wonder our brains could be starving.

How do we fight this overload and its effect on our lives?The first thing we can do is nourish our starving brains. With all the health information available out there, there is very little said about the basis of brain health. The neurotransmitters that help us feel calm, in control and happy often aren’t properly nourished and therefore can’t support our attempts to deal with the stress of information overload. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is a product that provides amino acids delivered with a synergistic mix of 15+ neuro-nutrients and amino acids asa natural precursor for neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine and GABA are associated with feelings of alertness, calmness, happiness, pleasure and well-being.HCF Happy, Calm & Focused, with its specific amino acids and associated neuro-nutrients, support the manufacturing of neurotransmitters that can make us feel more capable of handling everyday stress. In this stress-filled, information-packed world, it’s important to know there is an answer!

One thing that many teens experiment with is smoking, and this can be a tragic realization for many parents. When it comes to the body, a teen isn’t fully developed until they are at least 18 years old. If a teen begins smoking during this growth and development, then they may never fully develop which can lead to major problems later. If you’ve talked to them about the impact of smoking, then chances are that they tuned you out and you only heard, “Blah, blah, blah.” Don’t get discouraged! Your children are young, and they don’t know better. It’s your job as a parent to keep on them about it, use your wisdom and life experience to help them through this. They are at a stage in their life where their brain balance may be off, so it’s probably difficult for them to see things clearly.

One thing that many parents may not realize is the actual reasons why teens pick up smoking in the first place. If you or your spouse smokes, then you are actually increasing the risk of your teens smoking, as this becomes familiar and ‘normal’ behavior to them. Teens are in an awkward stage where they feel still partially child-like, while also feeling partially like an adult. This may make them feel like they need to distinguish the adult in their personality, and this is one way they’re deciding to do it. Popular culture currently reinforces smoking as a pathway to adulthood, and this influences teens, often making them feel confused mentally as to what is the right thing to do, including impacting their brain balance and well-being.

Your teen’s circle of friends also influences their chances of picking up smoking themselves. While you may wish you could be their friend and parent, guiding them in the right direction and setting the right example, many teens aren’t open to loving counsel. You can limit the interaction that your teen has with these friends who are setting a bad example, but this can also backfire and cause resentment in the child and parent relationship. Being aware of these factors can allow you to speak with your child about these influences and bad association.

If you have a teenage daughter, then one possible reason for them to start smoking is a way of controlling their weight. They may only be thinking of the benefits of its use, but it’s important that they know that it is toxic. Knowing that there are other more positive methods of controlling their appetite is one good deterrent for those who smoke for weight challenges.

Chances are that if your teen is smoking, they may be drinking or using other medical products as well. There are no direct correlations, but these same patterns exist, so it’s something parents need to watch out for. By encouraging your teen to pick up extracurricular activities and sports, you could be decreasing the likelihood that they’ll become smokers. One thing that you can possibly give your child to counteract the negative effects of smoking, that often works, is a popular HCF amino-acid supplement. This is a blend of amino acids with vitamins and minerals which is known for helping support teens to feel more focused and have a better sense of well-being.

The first day of school can be both joyful and stressful for both the parent and the child. Some children will skip off to the front door of school with not even a backward glance, while other children can barely unglue themselves from their parent’s legs in fear of the school day ahead. For those children who are not excited about going to school, there are things you can do to help ease their tension. As a wound up child could be detrimental to health and has the potential to throw off their brain balance, impacting their entire body.

Several weeks before your child is to start kindergarten or grade school, start talking about school in a very positive light. Show excitement and talk about all the fun things the child will learn in their new class with teacher and classmates. Talk about how many kids they’ll meet their own age and how many friends they’ll make this year. Don’t talk about how much they will be missed or anything that might make them feel badly about the separation, as this won’t help the situation any.

Take the child to visit the school before school starts. If possible, arrange to take a tour, and even better, arrange the meet your child’s teacher ahead of time to explain how your child is feeling. If the school’s not open, just walk around outside to get your child familiar with the area they’re going to be in on a daily basis.

Find out about other children starting kindergarten and bring your child to meet them if there is any way of finding this information. There may already be children your child may know in the same age range. In any case, the first days of kindergarten are likely to be much less stressful if your child already knows others in class.

When shopping for school supplies, make it a fun experience for your child. Let your child make choices about some things, as long as they fit the school’s requirements. Let them load their own backpack, and explain all the fun things they’ll do with their supplies. This gives them a sense of independence that they need, which is crucially important. This level of responsibility will excite your child’s neurotransmitters, making them happy to take on this level of responsibility.

Check out books from the library having to do with starting kindergarten. Read them to your child and have your child try to imagine themselves doing the same thing the characters do. Play “school” with your child and involve your child in role play. Be sure your child learns to write their name, and if you can, start working on letter identification. Be sure they know how to use scissors, glue, and other supplies that will be present in the class.

Also, make sure your child has all the necessary components required to attend school, including being well-nourished with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains so they stay steady throughout the day. It may be a good idea for you and your child to try out an HCF amino-acid brain supplement. HCF contains essential amino acids that potentially support neurotransmitters in the brain that are associated with feelings of well-being, attention, calmness and focus. Be sure to check with your health care professional before starting any health regimen for your child.

Do you remember your first love? It’s likely that you do, and that you remember them well. While in retrospect these relationships are insignificant, they are anything but. Many hole up these memories deep in their psyche, and later on, often when this person is settled and married, these feelings burst forth and the person finds themselves in turmoil. In some cases, this person even goes out and finds that first love, and attempts to live out the life they thought that could have with this first love that they’ve idealized. This is a great plot for a romance novel, and rightfully so.

For many teenage love fades quickly, and while this love disappears quickly, the emotional effects of the breakup of this first love follow one throughout their adult years, shaping their future relationships. When it comes to the breakup of that first love, severe sadness and despair can set in and take its toll. If you have a teen that is going through this – take the time to listen to them. Validate their feelings, and possibly share anecdotes of your first love. Never downgrade the relationship that your teen was in, as chances are you felt exactly the same when it was happening for you. Offer to be a shoulder to cry on for your teen, as this is a good way to get repressed emotions out in the open. When you’re talking to your teen and they say anything that may concern you, then make a mental note to speak about it with them later, but don’t address it while they’re opening up to you. Their brain balance may be completely out of whack, and you don’t want to upset them unexpectedly.

If they feel that they need to talk it out with you again after this initial flood of emotion, take the time to sit down and listen again. Put your chores or paperback book to the side, as your child should be the priority, and their sense of well-being should trump all other inane daily activities. If your teen isn’t too embarrassed, offer to tell them about your first love and your first break up. By simply saying, “I know how you feel,” this goes in one ear and out the other, but a story reinforces a kinship of shared emotions. This will allow them to bond with you, which can comfort them and help improve their brain balance.

If your teen broaches the subject, then be open to talking about sexual intercourse. Don’t blow up at them, and be honest about the subject, while using the correct adult terminology. You need to pass on the information about sexually related topics that they need to know about. While chances are that you’ve already had the “birds and bees,” talk with them, it’s never a bad idea to have a refresher conversation. Giving your child an HCF brain supplement during this difficult time can be a great idea. In some cases this blend of amino acids, vitamins and nutrients can support a sense of well-being, focus and attentiveness in your child and this is something they need to be feeling during this difficult time when their brain balance is impacted.

Many parents worry about what they give their children when getting health shots and if it’s the right thing to do when children are so young and vulnerable. Many reports in the media have led parents to ask themselves if they are safe for their children. Parents have to have a serious conversation and then need to weigh the danger, real or perceived. Professionals state that none of them are 100% effective and100% safe and that getting a serious medical challenge is always a risk.

One of the most notorious media reports are about their alleged links to causing health challenges for some. While the causes of these health issues aren’t definitively known, the first signs tend to show up close to after the time children have received them. Therefore parents understandably, if erroneously, make a connection between the shot and the health challenges. Studies have occurred in multiple countries on thousands of children, and there appears to be no link between the two, but there are still many who support this link. Worrying about the impact could mentally cause disturbances for you and throw off your brain balance, which can affect your whole body.

Some parents become concerned at the sheer volume of shots required in order for their child to potentially stay healthy. Some think it might be better to space them out more and give them periodically, versus all at once. However, they are recommended for the time in life when children are most susceptible and can generate the best response, thus timing is supposedly important. It is stated, that given at a later time, it may not be effective and could expose the child to a longer period of vulnerability, which is equally risky.

Keeping kids up to date with these shots is only one part of the story; nutrition plays a huge role in children’s resistance as well. A lack of nutritious food is at the root of issues all over the world. Just as a lack of proper nutrition impacts your child, so does getting too much food, so weight control plays a large role in your child’s health. One way to be sure everyone is getting adequate nutrition is to possibly take a supplement, which in some cases has shown an improvement. You might consider potentially taking an HCF brain supplement that is a blend of amino acids, vitamins and minerals which supports you and your child’s focus and sense of well-being.

But whatever you do, when it comes to your precious child, make sure to do your full research before making any important decisions. Discuss this as a family unit, and make sure that everyone is on board. Consider the benefits and detractors, and what an HCF amino supplement may do to support your health and well-being.

Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for most teens - and a heart-thumping experience for parents. After all, most parents know that teens are 4 times more likely to be involved in an accident than experienced drivers, due to inexperience on the road and other distractions that teens are prone to. Boys are even more at risk, because they are seven times more likely to be involved in an accident than their older male counterparts, and this for reasons similar to teens as a whole.

It is highly recommended that a professional teaches the teen to drive versus a parent or relative. Classes are offered in many schools and community colleges, and can provide a less stressful driving experience for your teen, as they won’t be nervous by having you in the car. This way they will learn the rules of the road and be tested on those rules, as well as learning driver responsibilities. Having a good brain balance is important for this, as it will allow you’re teen to properly retain and execute this knowledge.

The cars come equipped with dual controls, so the instructor can override the student if a problem arises, which isn’t possible in your own car. And, they often carry around a big sign that says “Student Driver” so others give the car some extra consideration. Yes, it’s embarrassing for your teen, and they might whine a little about it, but it lets others know there is an inexperienced driver at the wheel to avoid accidents. This can send a flood of neurotransmitting chemicals related to frustration, so you need to be careful if they’re irritated or sensitive.

However, the responsibility of teaching a teen to drive normally falls on the parents, due to the high cost of these on the road classes, or a lack of available scheduling. If you are teaching your teen to drive, then you need to make sure that your teen is well versed in your state’s driving manual. Have your teen watch you as you drive, and talk out loud as you make your decisions.

When the teen takes the driver’s seat, take them to a parking lot or track where they are unlikely to encounter other vehicles. Teach the teen about pre-trip checks, like checking the oil, being sure the windshield is clean, putting on the seat belt, and adjusting the mirror. Have them do some minor backing up and moving forward until they get a feel for the car. Over the next few months, expose them to varied driving conditions, like turning left against traffic, or practicing proper stopping distance.

Eventually, test day will come. The teen will be given a vision test, and will often need to test for or re-test regarding the rules of the road. They will need to demonstrate the rules of the road as well as comfort and control of the car. After the test, it will be determined if your teen is ready for a license.

It would be nice to be able to say that parents take a sigh of relief if a license is issued, but most parents get even more stressed. In order to step back and relax a bit, try an HCF amino acid supplement. These supplements are an amino acid blend which support a sense of well-being and focus, which is useful for you and your teen driver.

Teachers have known one simple fact for many years; that children who have adequate nutrition learn better than those that don’t. Nutrition actually affects a child’s ability to learn, and inadequate nutrition can cause a child to not perform as well as their well-nourished counterparts. While parents try to send their children off with a good breakfast in the morning, it might be surprising how important that meal is. Yes you may treat it as important now, but it’s far more important than you may realize in order to keep your child’s brain balance intact, which will impact all parts of their body and functioning.

Lack of adequate nutrition may cause a child to miss more days of the school year, because adequate nutrition is required for the child to be able to fight any challenges that may come their way. Students with weight challenges often experience more missed days or tardiness than other children, which leads to poor schoolwork and test scores for your child. In schools that offer breakfast or a mid-morning snack, students are more focused on learning. This focus is a result of proper brain balance – which is key.

In fact, breakfast is so important that it’s at least partly responsible for many children’s ability to be ready to learn in class, during the school day. Missing breakfast can also directly affect mathematics and reading ability. According to a study conducted by Tufts University in the early 1990’s, breakfast plays a role in better institutionalized testing, which is a great reminder on the those mornings you don’t feel like making breakfast.

Unfortunately for children, empty calorie foods are plentiful, cheap, and easily obtainable, and it’s what many of them end up getting for breakfast due to a small budget or little time for food preparation. Most of them are high in calories, fat and low in nutrition, leaving a child feeling full but not nourished properly. Often, it’s not missing a meal that’s the issue; it’s the quality of those meals. Junk food, or foods with empty calories, tends to leave children tired, jittery, and unfocused. Foods with a large amount of saturated fat can actually affect you negatively.

Teenage brains are going through as many changes as their bodies and their needs reflect this. Often, a teenager gets out of bed at the latest possible moment due to changes, and rushes out the door with little or nothing to eat. The combination of these two problems results in students who are barely able to absorb information in their morning classes, from a lack of sleeping time and nutrition before school begins.

Nutritious food, particularly at breakfast, is essential for school-aged children to function properly at school. One thing that is very popular now is a supplement like HCF. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is a supplement that is uniquely formulated to benefit students of nearly every age. Its amino acids support the neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being, focus, and attention. These are useful for a student trying to learn. Please check with a health care professional before caring for your children.

Although most people naturally think their children are absolutely brilliant, statistically, very few children are actually gifted. Having a truly gifted child will practically insure an intense and active family life, full of joys and challenges. According to developmental psychologist Christopher Willard of Tufts University, gifted children usually score in the top 2 percentile with IQ’s hovering around 130 or more.Furthermore, a child may be gifted in one or two isolated areas.

Often, parents feel like fishes-out-of-water when dealing with the needs of their gifted children. They may be far advanced in one area, but be just a typical child in others. Where to nurture skills and where to let nature do the teaching is debatable, even among professionals. This causes a lot of stress. Furthermore, a child may be intellectually gifted but still have age-appropriate emotional maturity. So, the “terrible twos” may still have the typical strive for independence, but with a much larger vocabulary.If there are other children in the home, it’s very important to acknowledge their gifts and talents as well.

Keeping the balance between the needs of the gifted child, other people in the family, and your own needs is crucial. Parents need to be sure they are well rested and eat well, because they have to be able to ride this roller coaster for about 18 years. However, most people can’t get enough nourishment to support neurotransmitter production in their brains. Doctor Kenneth Blum of University of Texas estimates that people need to eat about 20 pounds of protein rich food each and every day to support normal neurotransmitter activity under current day stress levels.Add to that the stress involved with raising a gifted child and you need all the support you can get.

Brain supplements may give you the brain nutrition you need. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused has amino acids, vitamins and minerals designed to support the production of neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being, calmness and alertness. Those are tools that can come in handy when dealing with the needs of exceptional children. HCF is manufactured according to pharmaceutical standards, and each and every ingredient is present in the capsules in the quantity stated.Not only may HCF be beneficial to parents, but children may be benefited by this supplement as well, but never give a child supplements without first consulting a health care professional.

    *Disclaimer: No statements on this website have been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. No products mentioned on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. The articles are written by people knowledgeable to the topic presented. However, the information and statements presented are strictly an expressed opinion of the authors and are not reviewed by a medical expert or evaluated by the FDA. 

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