When people go on a diet, many complain of reaching a plateau, or a leveling off of weight loss, and it can become difficult to lose more weight.These plateaus can aggravate and discourage many a dieter because they may be doing their best and yet they don’t lose the additional weight.

During the first few months of a diet, people tend to lose anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of their starting weight, which is where they usually hit the plateau.The plateau is caused by physical actions happening in the body that come into play after this plateau is reached. The body will try to get back to its pre-diet weight by increasing hunger hormones and decreasing fullness hormones. In addition, women going through mid-life changes must battle the lack of estrogen, which may increase appetite for certain unhealthy or fattening foods.Most often these foods are detrimental to a weight-loss diet, and include foods rich in carbohydrates and fats.

A plateau happens because your metabolism slows as you lose lean muscle tissue. When you lose weight, you lose both fat and muscle.At the plateau, your body is finding equilibrium with its new metabolism. Unfortunately, because the metabolism is lower, you’re losing weight at a slower rate.

There are several physical and psychological tools at your disposal, and you’ll probably need to use them all.Physically, you’ll have to up the ante.You’ll need to cut down the calories a notch and increase the exercise a notch.This can be as simple as substituting crackers with fresh fruit when snacking. Next, eat smaller but more frequent meals. Lastly, keep your eyes on the prize. Visualize all the things you want to do when you lose the weight. Think about those dreams and goals, and indulge your mind in things that make you feel good.

HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is also one of the most popular aids in losing the weight and actually keeping it off long-term. HCF is an amino acid brain supplement designed to deliver nutrition to the brain. The amino acids support the production of certain feel-good neurotransmitters like Dopamine, Epinephrine, GABA and Norepinephrine, which support feelings of being in control, being focused, feeling calm and generally happy. According to noted doctor Kenneth Blum, you would have to eat nearly 20 pounds of protein rich food every day to feed our neurotransmitters adequately. Thank goodness you can get HCF in a few small capsules that don’t have any calories!

A diet rich in fats and lacking in complex carbohydrates is usually the culprit of different types of metabolic challenges. The cells can become coated and can’t get through to provide energy to the body. It is generally accepted by the health community that these challenges are often preventable, as well as reversible if you manage it properly and get it addressed in the early stages.

One cause for these health challenges can be a diet high in fat that causes you to face weight challenges. It’s no wonder that the greatest number of those suffering from these challenges is also dealing with weight challenges. Diet in the United States often emphasizes meats and dairy, two of the major providers of dietary fat. Often people will recommend a visit to a nutritionist to get the patient back on track, but by monitoring what you eat and making better choices, you can also modulate your diet on your own.

Make gradual choices that are healthier is always a good way to wean yourself off junk food. Weaning off of this chemically processed food is also excellent for your brain balance, as too many processed foods can send you into a tail spin.

The first thing nutritionists normally advise to those who are at risk, or have these types of dietary challenges is to add dietary fiber to their diet. This usually involves eating whole grains in the form of breads or cereals, versus more processed items that are high in fat content. Supplemental dietary fiber can be purchased and added to drinks, which is an easy on the go option for many who don’t have much time during their day to analyze what they eat. Making sure that you get enough daily fiber will go a long way in maintaining a healthy brain balance. 

Carbohydrates should be a little less than half of your daily total food intake. The best foods that provide this are vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. Fortunately, these also provide needed fiber. Incorporate these items into your favorite recipes, so you’re still eating familiar recipes, but with healthier components added.

Fats should be only a quarter of a diet, and the kind of fat it is truly matters. The best fats are monounsaturated and omega-3 polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats come from fats such as olive, peanut, and canola oils, as well as avocados and nuts. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats come from fish, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. Saturated fats should be extremely limited, and are found in products like butter and red meat, as these are the most harmful to your health and your hormonal balance.

Protein levels should be at about 12 to 20% of the diet, except if there are issues involving certain parts of your body. Proteins come from meats, beans and nuts. Foods made from fish, soy, and poultry are better than red meats like beef.

One of the most popular secrets that are many are using today is with an amino acid brain supplement like HCF Happy, Calm & Focused. HCF helps support feelings of well-being, calmness, focus and determination which is the secret to anyone looking to lose the weight and keep it off for good!

Soy products have been touted the miracle food by many and generally used by those who are lactose-intolerant, vegetarians, and those trying to lose weight.Soy also contains amino acids important to the building of neurotransmitters. Promoted as a wonder food and an excellent source of dietary fiber and protein, many don’t know there are also a number of crucial important drawbacks to large quantities of soy in a diet.

Some people, surprisingly, gain weight when eating soy products.Most people think that anything coming from vegetables is low in fat and calories.However, products made from soy, like tofu and soy milk, can be very high in calories. It would be easy to think you are doing the right thing when all you’re doing is exchanging one calorie-laden item for another.

Soy can depress the thyroid, as well. Depressing the thyroid leads to low thyroid hormones, and this can slow down the metabolism.A slow metabolism may lead to weight gain, among other problems. Soy is also a major allergen, and is one of the eight foods responsible for the majority of allergies that people suffer.

Soy also contains phytoestrogens, which weakly mimics the action of estrogen in a body. Studies are showing it being a part of an estrogen replacement therapy in women experiencing mid-like changes. On the one hand, lack of estrogen in women experiencing mid-life changing effects is one reason why women’s metabolisms can slow down and they can find it harder to lose weight.

Otherwise, if the soy comes in a fattening form, like tofu or soy-based milk, the benefit could be outdone by the potential harm.If using soy products for weight loss, choose a low-calorie option.

As if there weren’t enough confusion about soy and weight loss, studies have found that soy products may work with the hormones that signal the brain to tell the body it’s full.In experiments, it’s also been seen to increase metabolism.This conflicts somewhat with the experiments that show soy reduces thyroid output.

No need to be confused.Eat soy if it makes you feel good and lose weight, but be aware of the possible pitfalls.

Anyway the best known weight loss secret today by many is consuming an amino acid brain supplement called HCF to boost whatever weight plan they are currently using.HCF Happy, Calm & Focused provides amino acids similar to the amino acids found in soy, and it supports the neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being, control and focus.Just what you need to really lose weight! And the good thing is, you can get all these rich nutrients in a few small no-calorie capsules!

Often, when students are left to their own devices and are at the mercy of their college cafeteria, with its less than healthy options, they will gain weight. There are a number of processed and fatty foods available to students in the college cafeteria, where they are likely to get most of their food. College may even be the first time they are making food choices on their own. The weight gain phenomenon is so common they even have a name for it-the “Freshman 15”. Freshmen in college usually gain about 15 pounds their first year of college, which reflects this change in their diet. This food generally isn’t the most nutritious fare, and more importantly to their grades, these highly processed foods have the potential to completely whack out a student’s brain’s balance.

Additionally, it might be hard with all the temptation, to avoid gaining weight, especially when feeling freedom to choose all their meals for perhaps the first time. Here are some common guidelines for college students when choosing food and trying to avoid the freshman 15. Are you currently making sure that you eat at least one piece of fruit each day? If not, then you need to incorporate these fruits into your meals. This can actually be a very simple thing you can do that makes a big difference in your health and eating habits. And no – juice doesn’t count! Remember, anything with a great deal of sugar and chemicals could negatively impact your health and brain balance.

Make sure that at least one of your meals each day is from the salad bar. And don’t automatically assume that if it’s in the salad bar, that it’s health. This can be very far from the real truth. There are many fattening options lurking in the salad bar, including cheese and high calorie salad dressings. If you put your salad dressing on the side, you can monitor and modulate the overall amount you use when eating your salad.

When you have other food items, use the condiments with caution. Condiments like mayonnaise is extremely fattening, and can even detract from the flavor of the food you’re eating. Salsa and vinegar are too condiments you can add to your food that add great flavor and texture to your food – without all of the extra calories.

Remember how the cafeteria workers always ask you if you want white or wheat bread? Next time they ask you, make sure that you select the whole grain option. While it may not directly save you numbers in the calorie department, it is a far more nutritious option than white bread made with processed flour. Making sure to get your daily 8 glasses of water in your system is also important, and it will help you to fill up faster. The positive effects of water are numerous, and water is a major part of your body and the way it works – so drink up! Water allows your body to work smoothly, and can help regulate your body.

Another challenge college student’s face is eating for emotional reasons. When under stress or pressure, which is common at college, people want to eat to calm down or take a break. If you must eat something when you are not really hungry, eat just a tiny bit of it.

But most importantly, never miss out on your HCF amino acid brain supplement. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused helps your mind feel happy, calm, and focused so you don’t have that underlying reason to crave fatty foods and thus avoid the Freshman 15.

Losing weight in middle age is more of a challenge than it is for the younger set.Older people tend not to be as physically active, and even if they are active, the metabolism slows down along with all other body functions.There often may be some muscle loss, and muscles burn more calories than fat does.Energy levels are lower, and the body just reacts slower than it used to.

One thing that’s important as you age is to try to maintain muscle mass, and granted, that’s not easy. This can mean engaging in lots of aerobic exercise.Losing weight without exercising can cause a lot of muscle loss as well as fat loss, and that isn’t a desirable result. This isn’t an easy task for middle aged people, because not only has the body slowed down and energy levels decreased, but the onset of middle age brings on its own set of unexpected problems in the form of aches and pains in places they never had them before, but it’s necessary.

Another challenge to middle-agers is an abundance of competing interests.Middle aged people tend to be very busy, and they need to develop diet plants that are flexible and work with their busy schedules. These people often are employed, have families and grandchildren, and may be caring for older parents as well. Not only that, some will be going to school, traveling, or running their own business.All of these things take attention off of weight loss issues, especially if they are rigid and don’t fit well into the middle-aged lifestyle.

Stress is another barrier to losing weight, and it’s abundant in middle-aged lives. People living under stress tend to eat more based on emotions than hunger. Furthermore, stress tends to cause the hormone cortisol to be released, causing the body to respond as if it has to do battle.Cortisol can slow metabolism, making dieting more difficult. Stress can even affect where our body stores fat, and people under stress tend to store it in the abdominal area, the area liked with greater health risks.

Here’s where an amino acid brain supplement might really help. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is a brain supplement created out of amino acids, vitamins and minerals which is becoming very popular today among the weight loss industry.The amino acids F&Q support the production of certain neurotransmitters associated with well-being, calmness, and focus.When you feel relaxed and calm, you are able to make better decisions. When you feel focused, you can concentrate on all the things you need to do without so much distraction. It’s your life! With the support you need, you’ll reach your weight loss goal!

Vegetarians are hard to define. Some avoid anything that came from animals in any way, including eggs and milk. Some will eat fish but no other meats. There is no one clear cut answer to what vegetarianism is, except that, generally speaking, a vegetarian diet does not include most kinds of meat.

Many people argue that vegetarians don’t get all the nutrients they need; that they need meat to have a balanced diet. Most of what vegetarians don’t get by not eating meat can be easily substituted with non-meat foods.

Because they avoid meat, vegetarians tend to avoid some of the detrimental effects meat has on their more carnivorous counterparts. Vegetarians tend to have lower instances of heart challenges or any of the risk factors for heart issues. Meat, while protein-rich, is a source of animal fat, which is blamed for clogging of the arteries. Ironically, vegetarians are slightly more susceptible to blood clots and hardening of the arteries, which can lead to major heart issues. This is usually because they tend to lack iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids.

To assure that vegetarians get a rounded diet full of the nutrition they need to stay healthy, there are several important guidelines they should follow. Because vegetarians run the risk of not having enough proteins in their diet, they should be careful to include soybeans, nuts, and food from the legume (bean) family. Because vegetarians tend to lack iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, you should eat walnuts, flaxseeds, and omega-3 enriched eggs or fish. Since some vegetarians avoid fish and eggs, some purely vegetarian sources for omega-3 fatty acids are soybeans, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and olive oil.

Because vegetarian diets may lack some essential vitamins, and there may be added complications like allergies to soy or nuts, it’s become very popular to supplement the vegetarian diet with a good amino acid brain supplement, like HCF Happy, Calm & Focused. HCF contains no animal products, and is calorie-free. It has the important amino acids F&Q, along with a synergistic blend of vitamins and minerals, which support feel-good neurotransmitters and help people feel calm and in control. The minerals in the formulation include what vegetarian diets tend to lack, like iron, zinc and vitamin B12.There’s no need to feel you’re not getting enough nourishment in your vegetarian diet with HCF Happy, Calm & Focused.

What is one reason that many people say makes them afraid to stop smoking? The fear of gaining weight! It is true that many smokers who quit initially gain anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds on average. But this isn’t written in stone, and if you are dedicated to getting the other health benefits of quitting smoking, there are ways to prepare and stave off this weight gain before it starts, so you can quit smoking without any weight challenges. Smoking will really throw off your brain balance, and while weight challenges may seem important, your brain balance is more so.

Why is it that so many people gain weight after they stop smoking? There are several valid reasons for this. Smoking actually burns about 200 calories per day, while the toxins that are present in cigarettes actively suppress your appetite. This suppression in appetite and modified eating can be very bad for your bodies balance and how your brain works on a day to day basis.

For many smokers, snack time is replaced with a smoke break. And when you quit smoking, you’re likely to be irritable and uncomfortable, and food brings a sense of comfort that calms down this irritability. This sense of discomfort is your neurotransmitters adjusting. If you’re not careful, you’ll quickly notice that you’re grabbing an unhealthy snack instead of a cigarette when you’re quitting. If you know this is going to happen, clear out the junk food in your home and replace it with pre-packed healthy snacks that you can take on the go. Eating healthy and exercise actually leads to a more balanced version of you.

Need some ideas for healthy snacks that you should be eating? Try some sliced carrots or celery with peanut butter or fat free dressing. You can also try low fair air-popped popcorn or sunflower seeds.

But probably the most popular method is taking an amino acid brain supplement like HCF, with its blend of amino acids, vitamins and minerals to support a nutritional boost that you need, while also giving a sense of well-being and focus.

Do you feel like you need a snack that will replace the physical feeling of smoking? You can accomplish this, by eating sugar free hard candies or even nibbling on small ice chips, so you can mimic the sensation and movement. Try not to surround yourself with good food if possible, as many who have tried to quit have commented that food smells far more appetizing when you stop smoking cigarettes.

For women, this weight gain seems to be a far bigger problem than it is for men. This is why when looking at results of those who’ve tried to quit smoking, more women have gone back to smoking to maintain their vanity. Why not schedule in some brisk walking or exercise during the time that you would normally go out for a smoke? Drinking water in large amounts daily also has had the ability to fill up your stomach, which can deter you from over-eating and snacking. It will also definitely throw off your brain balance, which can be dangerous and why so many use HCF Happy, Calm & Focused today in addition to their weight loss.

Everyone has looked at skinny models from time to time and admired their beauty or how they look in their clothes. There may be pictures of them walking out of the water from a dip in the ocean, or they may be spotted in a restaurant looking fabulous. It is their job to remain skinny so they are more marketable. There are several deceiving and sometimes dangerous practices models use to appear thin, and those choices might rob them of essential nutrition.It’s important to know these practices so that we know what to avoid when trying to lose weight and not get trapped into a dangerous cycle of being thin as the cost of our health.

Magic of the Camera

Don’t underestimate what a good editor can do to a photograph. Lines can be erased or distorted, blemishes and imperfections disappear, and the model looks fresh, slim and perfect.If there was a fat roll, it would never make it to the publications. Paparazzi may get a long shot from time to time, but the model’s whole reason for being is to protect that marketable image. We ordinary people don’t have such luxuries.

Diet Pills or Medication

One dangerous practice is to rely on diet pills. They stop dieters from feeling hungry and therefore they lose weight. Most prescription diet pills are stimulants that can be habit forming, and can lead to abuse, a high price to pay to lose weight. When you reduce your caloric intake too drastically your metabolism slows down, and you may lose some weight but without serious dietary changes the weight loss will be limited and temporary.


Models may resort to near starvation to maintain slim bodies. An average model’s dietary calorie count never gets above 1500, and they combine that with hours of exercise, and often employ a personal trainer. Be reasonable about calorie intake and reduce it gradually over time. This way, you don’t feel deprived and will not be tempted to binge, and weight loss will be more permanent.


Some models may revert to surgery to remove or remodel parts of their bodies they deem unattractive.This should only be done if a person is severely overweight and their health is in imminent danger.It is a drastic move meant for drastic results, but unless dietary changes are made the weight will return.


Nothing is more important than nutrition when losing weight, and dieting takes a lot of physical and mental stamina. Popular amino acid brain supplements like HCF Happy, Calm & Focused supports the brain with a mix of amino acids F & Q, as well as vitamins and minerals. These amino acids support the production of certain feel-good neurotransmitters, which can be the secret to dieters who need to feel happy, calm and focused to lose and maintain the weight loss. It’s easy to dieters to be tempted off their weight loss programs, but if the brain is well nourished those temptations may diminish and dieters can stay on target.

The thyroid gland is a tiny gland in the throat that helps control metabolism, among its many other functions. When it’s sluggish, the thyroid gland doesn’t put out enough of the thyroid hormone, and this is called hypothyroidism.The opposite is true with hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid gland puts out too much thyroid hormone.

Hypothyroidism causes the body to have a slow rate of metabolism, although there are many other bodily functions that the thyroid regulates.Symptoms of hypothyroidism include dry skin, intolerance of cold, hair loss, feelings of sluggishness, lack of energy, slow heartbeat, and a need for greater than average amount of sleep. Hyperthyroidism causes the body to have a fast metabolism, and can cause rapid heartbeat, weight loss, trembling, intolerance to heat, and trouble sleeping. You can see why it might be an important element in weight control. If you suspect you may have one of these challenges, it’s imperative that you see a health care professional, because both of these problems have the potential to be fatal is left untreated.

The thyroid gland is part of the hormonal system and is controlled by the anterior pituitary gland, which is in turn controlled by the hypothalamus.The hypothalamus is the master of this system and controls areas of the brain, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the thymus, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, the ovaries and the testes. It’s about the size of an almond, and it links the nervous system to the endocrine system, the system from which hormones come.

People with minor fluctuations may be able to control some of the fluctuations with nutrition.

What is becoming extremely popular today is using an amino acid brain supplement to support this hormonal balance. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is a brain supplement that actually supports penetrating the blood brain barrier to nourish the hypothalamus, the very part of the brain involved in thyroid function.It does this with amino acids, particularly amino acid F (DL-Phenylalanine), along with vitamins and minerals designed to work synergistically with the amino acids. The body does not create this amino acid, so it must come from an outside source. Normally, we would get enough of this amino acid from foods like fish, meat, eggs, cheese and milk. However, the amount people would need to eat per day in order to provide enough of this amino acid is enormous, more than most people could eat in a week, let alone one day.HCF can provide these amino acids in just a few small capsules a day.

While one might not look at overweight people and think they are undernourished, it’s quite possible that they may be lacking in a diet rich in nourishing ingredients.Of course, food choice is often the biggest culprit in weight gain, coupled with lack of adequate exercise; most people have an underlying factor that strongly influences a person’s weight and therefore should be judge no more harshly than anyone else who has a health issue.

Certain health issues that come into play might be hypothyroidism or a similar metabolic effect. Some metabolic problems cause the body to respond sluggishly to metabolizing food. Some alternatives actually cause weight gain.There may be health challenges related to mobility as well, preventing adequate exercise. There may be psychological issues that cause people to search out certain kinds of food or relate food to feelings not directly associated with nourishment.

When not eating properly, the body may continue to signal that it needs food even when the belly is full. Barring the health challenges already mentioned the body searches out what it needs, and often makes people sick if it doesn’t get what it needs. We may not even be conscious of this, and even if we were it’s hard to interpret what the body is asking for. When losing weight, one of the first changes recommended is to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and lean meats. This is because these foods will provide much of the nutrition your body is asking for without the harmful calories.Yet, just eating these foods may not be enough.

Some people have found success using supplements. Once the body has nutrients to work with, the cravings may begin to stop. While many supplements nourish the body somewhat, most give an artificial high that is not long lasting, and they don’t nourish the brain. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused nourishes both body and brain in a synergistic formula of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Since these amino acids support the production of neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being and calmness, people who use food to make them feel good may not feel the need to use food for this purpose anymore.

When you feed the brain and the body the nutrition it needs, thinking about food may not be the primary thought anymore and weight loss may happen naturally and painlessly. HCF may make the difference in your weight loss plan.

    *Disclaimer: No statements on this website have been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. No products mentioned on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. The articles are written by people knowledgeable to the topic presented. However, the information and statements presented are strictly an expressed opinion of the authors and are not reviewed by a medical expert or evaluated by the FDA. 

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