Human brain has an internal timekeeper called a circadian clock. This clock regulates levels of adrenal hormones which in turn regulates levels of adrenaline and cortisol hormones. This clock can be easily upset by any kind of stress in your life or any bodily function, like mid-life changes, which tend to leave hormones unbalanced. Additionally, poor sleep in women going through mid-life changes is often caused by hormone imbalance.

Certain nutritional products that contain vitamin D and calcium supplements have been helpful for some women. However, individual ingredients by themselves are often ineffective because they depend on other ingredients to make them work.

HCF Happy, Calm & Focused contains these vitamins and more. HCF contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in a synergistic blend, so everything works together.The amino acids are natural precursors to the neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being, focus, and calmness, something you could probably use during this time of life. And HCF is all-natural, and contains no preservatives, chemicals, coatings, calories, sweeteners, enhancers, yeast, fragrance, starch, dairy, gluten, or wheat. It’s manufactured in an NSF and OTC certified facility, meaning they have to meet pharmaceutical standards where every ingredient listed on the label has to be in the capsules and in the quantities stated.

The neurotransmitters Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) are all supported by the amino acids HCF Happy, Calm & Focused. These amino acids, called Amino-Acid F, or DL-Phenylalanine, and Amino-Acid Q, or L-Glutamine, are normally found in things we eat, like fish, beef, chicken, cabbage, beans, and spinach. However, the quantities we would have to eat every day to support our neurotransmitters is astronomical. In fact, noted doctor Kenneth Blum of the University of Texas estimates we would need to eat about 20 pounds of protein-rich food a day to get enough for our neurotransmitters.

Nourishing your brain could be the most important part of getting through this time of life with the least amount of discomfort.However, there are other things as well you can do to help yourself get to sleep:

Instigate a set of rituals before you go to bed, and do this every night so your body knows it’s time to slow down and rest.It could be as simple as reading a book.

- Turn down the lights a little while before going to bed.
- Turn off the television and computer well before bedtime.
- Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
- Keep your bedroom cool and dark.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and big meals or snacks before going to bed.
- Relax! This, too, will pass!

Doctors often use many terms to describe jet lag, that disruption of circadian rhythm, that internal clock that tells us when to sleep and when to wake up. Your body reacts to sunlight to produce more hormones like cortisol, which induces wakefulness, and hormones like melatonin, which induces sleepiness. Jet lag happens when we move quickly from one time zone to another, and its effects may last for a few hours to a few days.

You can expect to need a day of recovery for each time zone crossed, but crossing just one or two time zones only causes about the same minor disruption as moving the clock ahead to Daylight Savings Time. The main effect is trying to sleep and wake according to your previous schedule, not the local one, leaving you awake at night and sleepy in the morning. Besides being somewhat sleep-disoriented, true jet lag can also cause pain in your head, tiredness, lack of sleep, irritability, grogginess, sadness, and constipation or diarrhea.

The effects of jet lag can be minimized by preparing ahead of time. The best tactic is to know the time zone of your destination and slowly adapt to it, by starting your day an hour later, or going to sleep an hour later. Be sure you are well hydrated, nourished, and taking an amino acid brain supplement like HCF Happy, Calm & Focused works well for many as well.

HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is a brain supplement with amino acids, vitamins, and minerals designed to nourish your brain. The amino acids F&Q support production of important neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being, calmness, and alertness.It also helps penetrate the blood brain barrier, a barrier that filters our bacteria and other harmful substances from entering the brain, as well as some forms of nutrition.

Avoid dehydration, alcohol and caffeine during the flight, which has the potential to disrupt sleep schedules even under normal circumstances.If possible, break the trip up into smaller segments by staying the night someplace in between. On arrival, eat according to the local schedule and expose yourself to sunlight during the day. Follow the normal sleep ritual before going to bed, so that the body understands it’s time to settle down and rest. Eat lightly and try to eat according to the mealtimes at your destination. Most of all, keep yourself nourished, and if you’ve taken your HCF, your brain may be healthy enough to handle jet lag without any severe effects.

If you have frequent nightmares that are severe in their impact on your sleep quality, then they may actually be classified as a sleeping challenge. Nightmares can include lucid and vivid dreams that include disturbing imagery, scenes and scenarios that can severely frighten you. If you’ve ever had a nightmare, then chances are that you’ve woken up from this nightmare with a start, and end up breathing heavily while sweating, recalling the events of the nightmare you’ve just had in vivid detail. This can really make you emotionally mixed up, throwing off your delicate brain balance.

Don’t feel like you’re the only one who gets nightmares – 5 to 8% of the world’s population suffer from nightmares on a regular basis. Having these nightmares frequently can impair your memory and anxious levels, which can affect your life during the day time as well. In the case of those who have mental sufferings, these victims can also suffer recurring nightmares.

If you’re someone who suffers from a psychological challenge, then you’re likely to have dreams like this on a regular basis. Often those who have constant neuro-health challenges frequently report having intense dreams, especially when they have been documented as having a recent relapse in their effects. The most frightening of these dreams can occur when the afflicted is in the REM stage of sleep. When this occurs, some may even hurt themselves or others while they’re still sleeping, and have also been linked with other serious health challenges. This can severely impact your brain balance, as your nightly disturbances begin to permeate your day to day existence.

One type of nightmare, are nightmares that occur very often with children, which involve panic and fear. In the case of night terrors, the person will wake up screaming, which can obviously also cause a bad experience for those around the person with the night terrors. Night troubles can also happen in adults if they have any other health challenges. These night sleeping issues and vivid nightmares are often difficult to recover from when first waking up. They can impact what you’re willing to do, and what you’re afraid of during the waking hours. This fear can really impact your responses, which can be a very negative effect on how you’re feeling from moment to moment.

It’s important to face these fears that are caused by your nightmares, as the more you avoid the fears, the worse they have the potential to get. If you have a child with night terrors it’s important to address this as well, as these fears can get out of hand and even make the child not want to sleep at night.

To keep your mind balanced, many are today using a popular brain supplement called HCF Happy, Calm & Focused. This amino acid supplement is a balance of vitamins and minerals which support well-being and focus. While these brain supplements may not make the nightmares go away, they are helping many have a sense of well-being during the day and night.

There are many physical changes people go through as they get older.Changes to our sleep patterns are a normal part of aging, and older people tend to have a harder time falling asleep as well as staying asleep than when they were younger. Our sleep needs remain constant throughout our adult lives, so it’s a misconception that older people need less sleep. Most people need between 7 1/2 to 9 hours of sleep.

The way older ones sleep is much different. Older people tend to get up earlier and go to bed earlier, and spend more of their sleeping time in the lighter stages of sleeping and get less deep, restful sleep. Age contributes to this, but other factors contribute as well. A person’s general physical and mental health are factors, as well as medications.

Lack of sleep can have some serious implications. You may have difficulty concentrating, may be at risk for more accidents, and may be more likely to become ill.

Nutrition plays a big part, because sometimes we don’t eat well or don’t get enough amino acids in our food, and this can affect the way we sleep. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused may help. HCF is an amino acid brain supplement, and it supports important neurotransmitters that are associated with calmness and focus.These amino acids, F&Q, are found in foods we eat, like beans, chicken, fish, beef, leafy green vegetables, and cabbage.However, the sheer quantity we would have to eat to maintain healthy neurotransmitter activity is astronomical, nearly 20 pounds of protein-rich food each and every day (as quoted by respected neuro-scientists)! Most of us couldn’t eat that much in a week, let alone every day.Fortunately, you are able to get neuro-nutrition in just a few small capsules of HCF Happy, Calm & Focused.

While proper nutrition is extremely important, there are other things you can do to get enough sleep. Establish a bedtime routine so your body can prepare for sleep. If you’re hungry before bedtime, eat just a small snack and not a heavy meal. Cutting back on caffeine is essential, and if you smoke, stop smoking or don’t smoke before bedtime.Taking small naps midday can also help you feel more refreshed. Turn off the television, computer and turn down the lights a little while before going to bed.Avoid alcohol, and be sure that where you’re sleeping is cool and dark without distractions. Plus, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and use a supplement like HCF to provide the nutrients to your brain that your diet often can’t provide.

Have you ever heard of someone having issues with sleeping? Chances are the answer is yes, and sleep issues can be common for many people, who may not even realize it. What are some of the common effects of those having sleep issues? While the effects will vary depending on the severity of the sleep issue or challenge, you may notice snoring, pauses in breath and low breathing. But the only problem with self-evaluating sleep troubles is that you aren’t aware of all the effects – as you’re sleeping!

There are several different variations of sleeping issues, with three types being the most common. One type of sleep trouble involves your body’s lack of effort in breathing while you are asleep. Another type of sleeping problem is generally caused by a blockage, and a case of mixed sleep challenges is a combination of both of these types. In many cases, most sufferers have the obstructive variety, which accounts for many of the current reported cases of sleeping issues. Just think of how hard it is for your brain to balance your hormones and neurotransmitters without a good night’s rest!

While it would appear that sleep issues should only impact you while you’re sleeping, this simply isn’t the case. Sleep challenges, if left unchecked, have the capacity to severely impair your life when you’re awake by throwing off your brain balance. One of the most common effects of a sleep issue is sleepiness during the day. It has also been associated with a slower reaction time, as well as impeding your information processing skills and your short term memory storage. These are controlled in the brain, which dictate functions throughout your body. You may even experience serious health challenges due to this sleeping trouble.

In the case of obstructive sleeping challenges, the body relaxes during sleep that causes the body to block breathing. This is what causes those with these sleep challenges to snore loudly. In other cases, soft tissue is the issue, which is due to a weight challenge, or being elderly. If you smoke or have other health challenges, you’re also at a higher risk for having sleeping trouble and if you’re a male then this risk is increased.

An option available to you that has in many cases been shown to help is to take an amino acid brain supplement. Taking HCF supplements, which have a blend of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, has been shown to support balancing you’re hormones and contributing to a good night’s sleep naturally.

Normally teens tend to stay up late and can be hard to wake in the morning.This isn’t due to obnoxious teen behavior; at least most of the time, this pattern actually has a physical cause.When teenagers were younger, their inner clocks made them feel sleepy around 8 or 9 o’clock in the evening.Puberty, however, changes everything, even sleep cycles, and they tend to begin getting sleepy around 11 o’clock at night. While most teens need about 9 hours of sleep a night, they seldom get a full 9 hours because of obligations involving school or jobs.

But they still need it!

Sleep deprivation can have some pretty serious consequences. If they drive, they need to be alert, not sleepy. Some teens find it hard to focus or stay awake in class. It isn’t because the teacher isn’t a titillating instructor, but because of the clash in class time versus the teenage inner clock time. Sometimes lack of sleep can cause behavioral problems and even emotional swings.

There are several things you can do to help a teenager feel sleepy.Before bedtime, turn down the lights, and be sure the sleeping area is cool and dark. In the morning, expose the teen to bright light. There should also be no television in the bedroom, and all gadgets should be turned off. Be sure to cut back on caffeine, and provide nutritious meals. Taking amino acid supplements like HCF every day to fill in the gaps where food leaves off is essential for many as well.

HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is an amino acid brain supplement that can help your teen through the odd twists and turns of these tumultuous years. The amino acids, F&Q, support neurotransmitters that are associated with happiness, calmness and focus. These amino acids work synergistically with a special formulation of important vitamins and minerals. Normally, we should be able to get this nutrition from eating foods like beans, beef, fish, chicken, leafy green vegetables, and cabbage. But under the stress levels most of us live under today, experts state it could take about 20 pounds of protein rich food every day (based on our poor soils) to feed those neurotransmitters. More than most people can eat in a week, let alone a day.

And besides, what teen eats like they should anyway?

Providing adequate nutrition, avoiding stimulating activity before bedtime, and establishing a nighttime sleep routine may be very helpful to your teen in getting the benefits of a good night’s sleep.

Women are twice as likely to have sleep problems falling asleep or staying asleep than men.This becomes more evident as a woman ages. Many factors may contribute to this, namely hormonal levels, stress, pregnancy and mid-life changes related with hormonal fluctuations.There’s also the lifestyle factor, including overwork, over-exhaustion, and use of alcohol or recreational drugs.Some of the more common reasons for women’s sleep disruption or sleep issues include:

- Premenstruation is a common factor in sleeplessness. Women may have difficulty waking, falling asleep, staying asleep, and general grogginess.
- Too Much To Do. Often women reduce sleep in order to fit everything into their lives. Being employed, married, and being a mother all take time and energy.
- Pregnancy.Shortly after becoming pregnant, women need more sleep, but towards the last trimester, sleep may be interrupted by more frequent urination, fetal movements, sleep positions, baby movement, low back pain and leg cramps.
- Mid-Life Changes. Women can go into hormonal fluctuations and interrupted sleep. Often women will wake up more often and be tired throughout the day.There is less deep sleep and more light sleep.

There are other situations that lead to sleep issues for women, including stimulation close to bedtime.This can be in a chemical form, like when smoking or drinking a caffeine laden drink, or in another form, like watching an exciting movie on television, listening to upbeat music, or being exposed to lots of light. Also, sadness, which is more prevalent in women than men, may cause undue anxiousness that prevents restful sleep. Amino acid brain nutrition is very important, as sleep is often difficult after heavy, fat-laden, hard to digest meals.

A women needs all the support she can get when faced with sleep problems.One way to get support is to be sure her brain is nourished with the proper amino acids, vitamins and minerals. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused has the amino acids that support passage through the blood brain barrier, a barrier that filters out bacteria and other harmful substances in the brain.When amino acid nutrients can actually nourish the brain, the production of neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being, calmness, and focus is supported.

And HCF is safe. It’s manufactured in an OTC certified facility, meaning that what is on the list of ingredients on the bottle is exactly what’s in the capsules, and in the quantity stated. HCF is becoming very popular for supporting a woman as she goes through the many varied stages of her life, helping her get a more restful sleep.

Working the night shift has a few challenges that people working a day shift don’t tend to have. One of those problems is a disruption of normal sleep patterns.Hormones in our system tell us when to sleep and when to wake, and they are often cued by lightness and darkness.This inner clock is called out circadian rhythm. People on the night shift are especially vulnerable to sleep disruption because they are constantly working against their inner clocks.

Some of the effects of sleep cycle disruption are very similar to the effects of people who experience jet lag. Effects can include sleep issues, excessive sleeping, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating. This can result in an increased number of accidents, increased sick leave, emotional problems, work related errors, and irritability.

There are several things people can do to ease sleep deprivation due to working the night shift.

- Keep a steady schedule. Try not to work too many night shifts in a row, but if that’s not practical, try to keep the same schedule on your days off as the days you are working.
- Keep your sleeping area dark, quiet and cool. Get light blocking curtains or black-out shades. If that’s not possible, use eye shades and earplugs.
- Make rules about sleep time. If possible, emphasize to roommates, partners, and children in the house the times they need to be extra quiet.If you can, ask neighbors to save noisy chores for certain times of the day.
- Take naps. Even a short 20-minute nap can make you feel more refreshed. Don’t go over 20 minutes, though, or you’ll tend to feel groggy.
- Eat well and watch what you drink. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol, especially before bedtime.

Eating well is very important when working the night shift. Our brains need the extra support provided by the vitamins and minerals. However, the amount we would have to eat in order to support your brain function when you’re trying to fight your own inner clock as well as everyday stress is astronomical. One noted doctor, Kenneth Blum, estimates we would need 20 pounds of protein rich food per day to support the production of neurotransmitters in our brains.Since most people can’t eat that much in a week, let alone a day, a brain supplement like HCF Happy, Calm & Focused has become a popular answer for many. A few small capsules a day and most are reporting feeling happy, calm & focused each and every day.

HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is an amino acid brain supplement with synergistic vitamins and minerals designed to nourish the brain, and a nourished brain and body is essential when working the night shift.The amino acids support the production of neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being, calmness, and focus.

HCF is safe, too. It’s manufactured in an NSF and OTC certified facility to pharmaceutical standards, so you can be sure all the ingredients listed are contained in the quantities stated on the label. And HCF doesn’t contain preservatives, chemicals, coatings, calories, sweeteners, enhancers, yeast, fragrance, starch, dairy, gluten, or wheat, so people with allergies or people who simply want to avoid these ingredients have no need to worry.

With HCF, avoid many of the common effects associated with working the night shift.However, don’t forget, you still need to make sleep a priority, getting at least 7-8 hours every night.

    *Disclaimer: No statements on this website have been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. No products mentioned on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. The articles are written by people knowledgeable to the topic presented. However, the information and statements presented are strictly an expressed opinion of the authors and are not reviewed by a medical expert or evaluated by the FDA. 

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