Female athletes are consistently pushed to excel in their sport and activity, and this can bring about a series of interconnected health challenges that many often face. It generally starts with an eating issue, usually brought about by the focus on the body that’s involved in sports. This is particularly the case with sports where the focus is on the individual rather than a team, like gymnastics or karate, so ones appearance is more focused on. This self-loathing type focus can severely alter your state of mind and/or your brain balance. When you’re unhappy, you’re body sends out signals via the neurotransmitters to modulate your body to your emotions.

Although all female athletes are at risk, the most vulnerable group is teenage girls, and this is for many reasons. They are bombarded with biological changes that come out of nowhere and alter their body image. Their peers tend to be judgmental and may negatively impact their self-confidence, which can lead to these unfortunate issues. There are also social pressures, and life-changing circumstances that need to be considered as contributors to this as well. All of these major life circumstance changes have the ability to further throw you off, possibly causing brain balance to go out of whack.

The first part of these types of issues that you need to look out for in female athletes is eating that seems out of place. It can be any type of eating where there is insufficient eating to fuel all the practice and competitive play an athlete engages in. This can include eating issues, but there are other types of this eating style or a hybrid of the two. Not getting enough proper nutrition can definitely throw off that delicate brain balance, and really impede your success because of it.

The second part of these challenges is the loss of normal female functions. However, if it occurs as a result of a lack of enough fuel to maintain bodily functions, it can be very dangerous to a athlete’s health. The body needs to conserve energy from this lack of fuel and often can start shutting down non-essential functions. The stoppage though, means the stoppage of certain body functions. This unbalanced level can throw everything off, and cause your brain balance to become an issue for you.

Making sure that your brain balance is intact takes into account any deficiency of hormones like estrogen, as the brain balance impacts your entire body.

Athletes who are losing weight should also pay close attention to people’s observations. There is a vast difference between, “Hey, you look great!” and “Wow, you’re getting way too skinny.” The latter is not a compliment, but a concern. A healthier way to stay slim for an athlete is to consume at least 1200-1500 calories a day and to be sure the food is nutritious. A brain supplement like HCF can possibly make that difference. The amino acids in HCF support neurotransmitters associated with feeling good and being calm and focused.

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