Losing weight in middle age is more of a challenge than it is for the younger set.Older people tend not to be as physically active, and even if they are active, the metabolism slows down along with all other body functions.There often may be some muscle loss, and muscles burn more calories than fat does.Energy levels are lower, and the body just reacts slower than it used to.

One thing that’s important as you age is to try to maintain muscle mass, and granted, that’s not easy. This can mean engaging in lots of aerobic exercise.Losing weight without exercising can cause a lot of muscle loss as well as fat loss, and that isn’t a desirable result. This isn’t an easy task for middle aged people, because not only has the body slowed down and energy levels decreased, but the onset of middle age brings on its own set of unexpected problems in the form of aches and pains in places they never had them before, but it’s necessary.

Another challenge to middle-agers is an abundance of competing interests.Middle aged people tend to be very busy, and they need to develop diet plants that are flexible and work with their busy schedules. These people often are employed, have families and grandchildren, and may be caring for older parents as well. Not only that, some will be going to school, traveling, or running their own business.All of these things take attention off of weight loss issues, especially if they are rigid and don’t fit well into the middle-aged lifestyle.

Stress is another barrier to losing weight, and it’s abundant in middle-aged lives. People living under stress tend to eat more based on emotions than hunger. Furthermore, stress tends to cause the hormone cortisol to be released, causing the body to respond as if it has to do battle.Cortisol can slow metabolism, making dieting more difficult. Stress can even affect where our body stores fat, and people under stress tend to store it in the abdominal area, the area liked with greater health risks.

Here’s where an amino acid brain supplement might really help. HCF Happy, Calm & Focused is a brain supplement created out of amino acids, vitamins and minerals which is becoming very popular today among the weight loss industry.The amino acids F&Q support the production of certain neurotransmitters associated with well-being, calmness, and focus.When you feel relaxed and calm, you are able to make better decisions. When you feel focused, you can concentrate on all the things you need to do without so much distraction. It’s your life! With the support you need, you’ll reach your weight loss goal!

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